
The Gallery

The collection of paintings, bottlart and other innovative forms emerged from a passion to create some interesting object d art…

art & art & art

Paintings on canvas transitioned from oil colors to acrylic which allows greater expression of thoughts as it emerges with options to re-orient and evolve at a faster pace than oil would allow. And then with the lock down precipitated the urge to paint onto bottles and then grow with adding textures to the newer version, and upgrading the first batches.   I do portraits on demand from photographs.




The Workshop

Canvas & Paper were taken over by a spree of painting and texturing bottles during lock down taking my desk offerings to a different level.  . 

We live in a World of Maya.  A World that exists for each of us for a fraction of time in the larger time, or Kaaal.   So, whatever you imagine is real because Maya is perhaps a tour of Earth like butterflies..

“Everything you can
imagine is real”

 Pablo Picasso

Just Launched!!

SooBucX Launch Day


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